LABSS eBuildingStandards Workshop held on 25 November 2016 in the City Square Committee Rooms DUNDEE


At a recent LABSS/BSD liaison meeting LABSS gave a commitment to continue sharing best practice and identify ways of maximising the benefits of eBuildingStandards. The above event was held in Dundee where over 40 delegates from 22 Local Authorities including representatives from the 7 Consortia Groupings attended the event to debate and present the many issues to be targeted to ensure a successful roll out of the eBuildingStandards project in ALL 32 Local Authorities.The event facilitated by LABSS was aimed at back office staff involved in the Building Standards process – IT officers, system administrators, and those trialling eSite solutions. 
For consistency the general headings used at the last workshop were used again as follows:
E verification - ability to assess on screen, screens sizes & no’s, measuring tools etc;
Efficient ways of processing traditional hard copy applications – scanning, or remain with paper systems;
End to end electronic processing of BW & CC’s - emailing reports, receiving revised plans etc;
Efficient ways of electronic stamping of plans – batch stamping;
Applicant/Agent accessing approved plans – progress, options and solutions;
Site inspections without plans – Mobile Solutions.
Frank Doherty Highland Council successfully co-ordinated the event on behalf of LABSS and his contribution is acknowledged with gratitude.
Other participants and contributors on a very successful day included:-
Viewing application material
Joe Murphy, the City of Edinburgh provided a demonstration how to view application folder contents using “AutoVue Professional 2D”.
Mobile Working 
Frank Doherty, Highland Council - delivered a presentation from a geographical perspective and how the high uptake will drive the need for efficient mobile working devices.
Transformational Change from Paper to Electronic Working
Frank also delivered a presentation on Highland Council’s change management experience in the delivery of the e building standards project.
Benefits Realisation
Neil Mitchell, Fife Council - delivered a presentation on the wider benefits of e building Standards and how it will help to develop new ways of working.


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