23 March 2020 Special measures to enable the erection of temporary care assistance buildings as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak


As a result of the exceptional challenges facing the country from the coronavirus (COVID-19) it is possible that the capacity of existing hospitals and health care facilities will be stretched to unprecedented limits as increased numbers of people are likely to be affected by the virus. This will put an enormous strain on our existing health care services and will possibly lead to a need to erect additional temporary accommodation, to provide care for people requiring medical care and treatment.  
The purpose of this letter is to make clear that the Scottish Government consider that building standards verifiers across all local authorities must work with Health Boards and others throughout the country to allow the erection of any such required temporary buildings as a matter of urgency and without any unnecessary delay. 
See under the Resource Library for these supporting documents - https://www.labss.org/knowledge-hub/resource-library


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