Certification Lead Officer - Building Standards Division - Scottish Government.


Certification Lead Officer

Do you want to develop and lead changes that will strengthen the building standards system, so that Scotland’s buildings are safe, sustainable and energy efficient, and have a knowledge of the building regulations and the legislation underpinning the system? then this job is for you.

Building Standards Division has an opening for a Construction Professional with practical experience within the building standards system in Scotland.

This is an opportunity to join the Building Standards Division and support high profile work, to deliver the commitments of the Building Standards Futures Board and have  regular contact with certifiers, local government and construction industry stakeholders. 

The division is responsible for developing and maintaining the policies and legislation for the building standards system in Scotland ensuring it remains fit for purpose. Current priorities include strengthening the system following the recommendations from the Expert Review Panels on Compliance and Enforcement and Building Safety set up by the Ministerial Working Group on Building and Fire Safety set up following the fire at Grenfell Tower.

Applications are invited from professionals working in a built environment role, with a practical knowledge of building standards, who wish to contribute to work on strengthening delivery of the building standards system through the work of the Building Standards Futures Board with a focus on certification and digital development within certification. You will work within the Development Unit at an exciting time and will have the opportunity to develop policy, legislation, and practical guidance, that supports effective use of the system.

To learn more about this opportunity, please contact the hiring manager at neil.mitchell@gov.scot


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