Changes to Legislation and Guidance Building (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (SSI 2017 No. 188) (as amended by SSI 2017 No. 214) comes into force on 1 July 2017.


The amendments include changes to building, fees, procedures and forms regulations:The Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004
The Building (Fees) (Scotland) Regulations 2004
The Building (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2004
The Building (Forms) (Scotland) Regulations 2005
Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004
New description of building or work that does not require a building warrant under regulation 5.  New type 23A in schedule 3 to regulation 5, and in regulation 9, covers detached single-storey buildings used for shelter or sleeping in connection with recreation, subject to a number of limitations.
This is as a result of SG working with Reforesting Scotland in response to the “Thousand Huts” campaign (see
Building (Fees) Scotland) Regulations 2004
Increases to building warrant related fees including demolitions, conversions, work started or completed without a building warrant, and extending the duration of a building warrant.  (Part 1 and Part 2 of the schedule in the fees regulations).
Increases to discounts for providing a certificate from an approved certifier of design or approved certifier of construction.  Discounts are fixed amounts for estimated values of work not exceeding £100,000 and percentages for estimated values of work exceeding £100,000. (Part 3 and Part 4 of the schedule in the fees regulations). 
Changes allowing the warrant fee to be discounted when the applicant advises in writing that they intend to submit a certificate of design after they have made their application but before the warrant is granted.
Building (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2004
Changes to recognise the digitisation of building warrant and completion certificate processes.
Building (Forms) (Scotland) Regulations 2005
Changes to recognise the digitisation of building warrant and completion certificate processes.
Changes to recognise the changes to fees regulations for discounts for certificates of design.
For more information see the Procedural Handbook and for details of the amendment regulations see SSI 2017 No. 188 and SSI 2017 No. 214.
Technical Handbooks 2017 (revised and published 1 July 2017)
Updates to the Technical Handbooks (Domestic and Non-Domestic) have been published - 1 July 2017.   The changes include:
a new building type 23A in schedule 3 to regulation 5 and in regulation 9 in Section 0, General minor updates and corrections
Technical Handbooks and Key Supporting Guidance and a Summary of the 2017 Changes can be accessed at


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