Small is beautiful - Delivering more homes through small sites - a Joint FMB and LGiU Report


Follow this link Small is beautiful for access to report.
The strength of this report lies in the fact that it has been produced in partnership by the industry (through the FMB) and local government (through the LGiU). Together we have found solutions that both builders and councils can agree on. This constructive approach mirrors what many of the recommendations suggest – that a closer working relationship between SME builders and local authorities is at the heart of enabling more small scale development and delivering more of the quality homes we need. My hope is that this report can help play a key role in the forging of a new partnership between small builders and local authorities and that together we can help to solve the housing crisis.
Gary Lewis National President of the FMB

The report is mainly applicable to England Wales and probably the planning process but there are lessons for us all in closer working with industry.


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